January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

So I’m resolving this year, like I do most years, to write more in the ol’ blog.  This year I’m going to make it stiff.  So every day!  Of course, you’ll note it’s January 2nd.  So this means I already let the ball slip.  But you know what?  I’m gonna let that slide.

Anyway… so because I’m going to do this every day, I’m sure there will be some days where I will have some incredibly lame posts.  I’m gonna just apologize up top for that.  You guys don’t deserve that.  You go out there, you work hard to put food on the table and you come home and you crack open a beer and come to this blog to kick back and relax and enjoy my adventures.  So when jack butt is happening, well, I’ve let you down.  And I’m the asshole.  So there it is.

That being said, it’s 2010.  It’s a new year and I’m excited.  I’m all here in a brand new place in Los Angeles and a freaking car owner again.  This time I decided to go against my old vanity license plate.  Which was simply and brilliantly SHELK.  Which was nice because then my car was known as The Shelk Car.  Like that Bat Mobile.  But now my car has a very anonymous California license plate and looks like every other Honda Civic out there.  I might add some flames details on the side or racing stripes over the hood to sort of jazz it up though.  I’ve also named her.  (Cars are she’s right?  Isn’t that what Christine taught us?  That and not to trust cars when they start to kill people.)

So in review… things are good.  You can look forward to at least one post here a day.  I’m also going to be working on Song du Jour in earnest again and this time the goal is huge.  Once a week.  So that’s 52 songs this year.  Time to get to it!

Hmm… what else?  I have another silly commercial that should be coming out soon so look for it and I’ll post in on ye olde blog when it arrives on the internets as well.

I guess that’s it.  Oh yeah…. one of my friends appeared naked in my dream last night!  Which one was it?  I won’t tell you. See that’s just the sort of fun irreverent mysterious kind of comment you will find in the coming year.  And yes, I started keeping a dream log again.  It’s January 2nd… TIME TO BE AMBITIOUS.

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