March 9, 2010

Song du Jour: “Little Ships”

Week #10 of Song du Jour! This week’s song is called “Little Ships” and it’s based on a conversation I had with Kristen. About waiting for your ship to come in, that it doesn’t need to be a big ship. That you’ll do fine with just some little ships.

Little Ships
I don’t need a big break
Just some little ones today
So I’m waiting for my little ships to come in
Little ships come in this way

This is a hard life we live in
Rejection follows you every way
with lots of time for reflection
Of things we mighta done yesterday

They always say if you can do
Anything else then just do that
That kinda makes it sound bad
But the life of an artist isn’t that
A little nina, little pinta, and a tiny santa maria
They’ve got all the hope I need
And I can see them on the horizon
Little ships for me

But maybe I need to burn them
when they arrive like cortez did
So instead of depending on those little ships at sea
I’ll just depend on me

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