April 16, 2010

Yogurtland… the hype is real

For my entire time in LA, I have heard ravings (mostly from women) about this Yogurtland place. I drive by it almost every day on my way home when I’m out and about. Eliza even explained it to me. It’s like a bunch of self-serve yogurt machines and you can put a bunch of toppings on it. And then you weigh it and pay for it.

That’s like saying heaven is a really nice place.

Well guess what? Yogurtland is a REALLY nice place!

Why? You might ask. I think it’s about the freedom involved. Because you know when you go to 7 Eleven and you are trying out the slurpees you feel a little dirty trying more than one or two. In fact, there’s not easy way to do it. And when you’re at Baskin Robbins and you’re asking for a sample, same problem. Even worse there because you have to ask for those sample spoons.

But at Yogurtland, they understand that the best thing to do when dealing with all these yogurt fiends is to get out of the way. And let these people just be with their yogurt. And their toppings. So you can try one. You can try two. You can try three. You can try 15. There’s no judgment. You don’t have to apologize for taking ten minutes to decide what you want. And you don’t have to feel gross for putting sour patch gummy worms and strawberries together as a flavor combination. All this is possible under the sun.

At Yogurtland. So YES Yogurtland, I will be coming back. And YES, I will be enjoying you early and often. I’m going to start forwarding all my calls there. And conducting business meetings there as well. They make a big sell at movie theaters to have your next business presentation there(and who has ever really taken them up on this offer? Is it that much more exciting to see a power point presentation 60 feet tall? It’s still a power point presentation.) But what if you had yogurt with that meeting. Think of how much easier that pill of some dry presentation would go down. And with Cinnamon Toast Crunch on top too. And the gummy worms. Don’t forget the gummy worms.

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