November 14, 2008

Mystery at Grand Central

I just purveyed the food offerings at Grand Central on my lunch hour because people had been hyping up the Grand Central Market. I was confused greatly by the market because I thought there would be an area to buy a sandwich but it was all just food you bought by the pound. Except sandwiches. So then I descended deeper into the depths and hit the food court. Which was pretty nice. The offerings are much more unique than your standard Wok n’ Roll style food court.

Then I found a seat. And began to get uncomfortable as a little group beside me started fighting. It was with two guys and a woman who I first thought was a man. The woman was berating one of the dudes for sleeping “in a restaurant”. And that the policemen had been here two times already. Mind you we weren’t in a restaurant but I wasn’t going to quibble. Then I noticed that they had a stroller. But I didn’t see a baby. Hmmm… then I started to get the idea that they were homeless.

The lady screamed at him and left. His friend briefly left with her, trying to get her stay? And then returned, hugging his friend. They agreed to go. Then I noticed that the guy had a security jacket on. In trying to get up, he was having trouble with his chair. He then knocked it over and kicked it and said something to effect of “Ain’t no chair gonna get in my way!” Then they left.

WHAT? It made me wonder: 1) Was there a baby somewhere and I missed it? (doubtful but scary if there was) 2) Did they steal a stroller from some unsuspecting parent? (sad) 3) Was he really a security guard(doubtful and scary but not as scary as the idea of there being a baby)? 4) How did he steal a security jacket from a security guard?(impressive!)

Food for thought. (From the food court, natch.)

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