January 11, 2008

Cat Porn

I hestitate to think what sort of readers will be forwarded to this site from this post, but considering that people have already ended up on this blog for searching for elephant sex, I think we won’t be far off the mark.

Anyway, my twin and his wife like to get my cats things for Christmas. And this year, they decided to be silly and get them(us) a subscription to Cat Fancy. Well, the first issue came this week. And having never set eyes on this magazine before, it’s interesting. Because it is cat porn. There are sooooo many glamour shots of cats it’s crazy. They are full page, action, reclining, single, two cats, group shots, and get this—a centerfold! I kid you not. I will post some pics this w/e when I get a chance to scan some in.

And then just like Playboy, there’s actually some interesting articles. Kathrine was making fun of it and then was like, hmmm… this is actually pretty interesting. I’m not saying I want to continue to get Cat Fancy. But I’m saying there are some good articles. Ahhhh no one believes me.

There is also a classified section in the back and there’s this insane ad for this cats that are a mix of a cat and like a BIG cat. Like a lurking through the African savannah big cat. So this combo cat has the head of a house cat and the body of like a lynx. Then they have a picture of a little girl playing with the cat and it’s bigger than her. It’s frightening. As I said, I will post pics soon!

It makes you wonder what other sorts of weird hybrids are out there. (Hence my picture of the liger.)


  1. Linda

    Cats! Thank you, Nate Shelkey, for this extremely interesting post.

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