November 5, 2007

Marathon Notes

Watched the marathon this weekend… to try and spot my friend Tim Cooper. And to just cheer in general. That’s one of the fun things about New York. How many freaking people come out and support the runners. I heard it was 80,000. There’s 30,000 people running. So that’s pretty amazing.

Anyway… some twib notes from the experience:

–Watched from the 24 mile mark in Central Park. Saw Lance Armstrong cruise by with his little motorcade. The best part though was the guy in front of Lance. He was pissed. I guess the water people were all paying more attention to Lance than him so he didn’t get his water till the last second or something.

–Absolute bedlam at the end of the race.

–I know that people need those little metallic plastic thingies to keep them warm afterwards, but at what point can people take them off? I saw peeps with them still on 3 hours later. I think they were milking it.

–I am a jerk. (See previous sentence.)

–Some shennanigans at the end of the day, I’ll release more info on this later, as I think it’s supposed to be under wraps for now.

–Strangest part of the day, seeing a sign at the finish line that read, “I don’t agree with you, but I will always love you. Mom”

WTF?!!?! That’s the encouragement for the end? Also, it makes you wonder what is Mom not agreeing with? Is he/she gay? Or does the mom simply have a problem with marathon running or fitness in general? Fascinating. I wish I had a picture.

–End of the night, went to Slate for Tim’s party and here’s the shocking part people—-THERE IS NO MORE BURGER PIE. That’s right. They took off the burger pie from the menu. We ended up having an approximation of the burger pie. And it was good. But it wasn’t the same. This just means Ben Rodgers and I can open our Burger Pie restaurant in earnest.


  1. Eliza

    Mm. Burger Pie.
    RIP, sweet pie.

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