August 31, 2005

They Aren’t Chanting Bruce

It has come to my attention that last night Rafael Palmeiro put friggin’ EAR PLUGS in when he was batting because he couldn’t stand the booing from the fans. That’s so lame. Whatever happened to doing the crime, do the time? Because this booing? This is the time too.

Not just that lame 10 day suspension you got. You also get a whole lot of boos, wise ass remarks, maybe some batteries on the field if you’re in Philly.

The best part is he went 0 for 4 anyway. I guess it’s harder to concentrate without your Giamba Juice! Get it? Jamba—Giambi? Oh, I’m so cutting. I know.

Anyway, Frank Robinson has said that Raffi’s records should be erased. Pretty hard core. I would be completely behind this hard coreness if I didn’t also realize that Raffi and Frank are right next to each other on the all-time homers list.

Something I miss, or really I only miss because I can only imagine what it must have been like—is booing in the theatre. I miss the days when they’d throw cabbage and tomatoes and boo and hiss when people would enter on the stage. We obviously still have this in sports.

Why not theatre?

I guess because there are no performance enhancing drugs that would make people shame an actor. And there are rival actors but not really rival teams. There should be though. A Battle of the Network Stars but for like stars we actually care about and not the guy who played Buddy on Charles In Charge.

Totes Sidenote: Was reading my friend Sheila’s site. And she referenced this site to go and find out what the top 100 songs were of your year of graduation from high school. I did this. And I was relating this to people at McManus last night and I realized what a great song “Let’s Hear It For The Boy” is. That awesome keyboard bass hook? The sheer catchiness of the melody? And of course, the brilliance of such lines like:

Maybe he’s no Romeo/but he’s my lovin’ one man show (whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!)


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