August 15, 2005

Man holes

There was a big commotion last night in my building because the power went out. But not only that but there were two HUGE booms. I was watching tv at the time so I assumed that they were thunder. I was of course, wrong.

The booms turned out to be some man hole covers that exploded. Or they shot up into the air. Something like that. Point being it was the sound of the manhole covers exploding into the air, not thunder. It was caused by the storm of course.

Dogs will often be scared by storms. I noticed that neither of my cats were particularly bothered. Except when the power went out. Then the power came back on but it was weakened. My apartment looks like it is lit by candlelight right now. And the juice apparently isn’t strong enough to work for the tv, the internet, or the air conditioner.

Anyway, I went downstairs to find out what was up and on every floor were people peeking out of their doors curious as to what was going on. I saw fire engines and heard sirens and I think everyone was thinking the same thing. Is the building on fire? Surely if it’s on fire, someone will let us know right?

They put up some do not cross police style tape near the man holes. Which it being the East Village, someone promptly just walked through.

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