June 2, 2010

Ned Ryerson Speaks


Porter threw me something the other day. Which now I obsessed with listening to. It’s like when I started watching the Wire. I’m a man possessed. What is it?

It’s this podcast. It’s called “The Tobolowsky Files” and it’s about the life of Stephen Tobolowsky, the awesome character actor who most famously played Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day. You HAVE to listen to it. Not only is it funny, it’s poignant, and just full of great stories. And it’s fun to listen to… because so much of it is the life of an actor. But also a lot of just human stories.

Anyway, check it out. There’s 30 some episodes. I’m about five in. Lost is over. Let’s get caught up on this and finish them together!

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